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Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Noninvasive Spondylolisthesis treatment Helps You Resume Daily activities

Spondylolisthesis refers to a spinal condition which affects the spinal bones or lower vertebrae. In this condition, one of the lower vertebras slip forward onto  the bone below it. No doubt it is a painful condition, however, is treatable in most cases. The surgeon might use both therapeutic as well as surgical methods for treating this condition. Spondylolisthesis treatment usually starts with non-invasive procedure. As a matter of fact, doing exercise properly can help you avoid this condition.

Well, given that back pain can give jitters, hence it is extremely important to your orthopedic surgeon as soon as you realize that you are experiencing symptoms of spondylolisthesis. It has been noticed that earlier and timely treatment of spondylolisthesis can cause this problem in most patients. Further studies conducted also revealed that people who suffer from this condition respond quite well to conservative non-invasive treatment. On the basis of your condition, spine surgeon or orthopedic doctor would recommend the treatment.

The spondylolisthesis treatment depends on the severity of vertebra slippage and pain that a person is suffering from. There is the availability of non-surgical treatments that can help in which can alleviate pain and discomfort and encourage bone to return to its actual place. However, make sure that you avoid strenuous activities and other contact sports during the process of healing. 

Some of the most common non-surgical treatment options for spondylolisthesis are physical therapy and exercises, hot and cold water pack treatment, wearing a brace,  some major lifestyle changes, epidural steroid injections, and intake of ant-inflammatory drugs as prescribed by a spine surgeon.

Irrespective of which this disease you are suffering from, orthopedic surgeon like Dr. Erik Bendiks make sure that patients get the most effective treatment. He performs a series of tests before recommending disc disease treatment to his patients. Adhere to the instructions given by doctor for timely and quick recovery.